Cyber Security, Threats and Responses for Governments and Business written by Jack Caravelli and Nigel Jones is a book that focuses on international cyber-policy issues and discusses about current and future situation of cyber security and goes over national cyber security strategies. Book is published in 2019 and it discusses about issues, theories, important characters like Obama, Putin and Trump, and previous years cyber attacks and how these all have impacted the whole world and the security of our noways Web.
Authors describe cyber crime as ”a criminal offense by use of the Internet and computer technologies". They have given plenty of different examples for the definition. One thing that they strongly pinpoint almost in every chapter is that the nations should work more together and make strategies how to conquer the current and future criminals of the World Wide Web.
At first the book discusses about cyber crime in general and gives plenty of great examples how internet has been used for previous years attacks and how they evolved even further. They use a lot of examples of Facebook, the action of ISIS and NSA, how and why the terror attack 911 happened and how internet was used there. Many of the great countries have been taken to examples too, like Russia, North Korea, USA and China. It discusses how important and powerful tool internet including dark and deep web can be for recruitment and propaganda for example for ISIS. There was told that through dark web can be learned for the example how to build a car bomb and how to use it.
Authors go over the WannaCry case and also discusses about Stuxnet and how it still affect our behavior in the internet. They discuss about the trustworthiness and confidentially of IoT and that it’s a concept of confidentiality, integrity and availability of information.
Finally in the end of the book they have carefully choose pretty interesting case study that overviews and analyses the cyber security strategy of United Kingdom in 2008.
Book was pretty interesting to read and it discusses about very important issues that we still have in our current world. It gives an inside look and analyze to many previous years attacks that we have had. There can be found the first truck driver attacks in Spain, how Snowden reveled sensitive information and what consequences that brought to him and to NSA also there was mentioned Estonian cyber attacks.
As a conclusion the book provides carefully detailed image of the political, financial, data protection, privacy, and reputational problems caused by the cyber attacks. It offers a forward-looking approach, discussing emerging trends that will bring new challenges to those charged with enhancing cyber security.
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